Beautiful Battle: A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare, by Mary E. DeMuth

Beautiful Battle: A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare
I read this book.  I re-read this book.  I took notes on each chapter.  I used it in a small group study.  I used it for family devotions.  WHAT A KEEPER!  This book is jam-packed with practical information about the spiritual battle we're engaged in daily.

I've read and studied a lot on spiritual warfare, so I expected more of the same in Beautiful Battle.  However, this is a very practical book with just the right mix of theory and application.  The author starts with a few chapters devoted to understanding the battle--knowing ourselves, our enemy, and God.  She emphasizes the need for balance in this understanding.  Rather than focusing so much on our enemy and either cowering in fear of his perceived strength, or spending all day running after him to thwart his plans, she stresses the need to see God as the sovereign Lord of all and keep everything in the right perspective.

After laying this foundation, the rest of the book explains all the ways we are involved in the battle, things as simple as taking risks, getting rest, and living a lifestyle of prayer.  Several chapters deal with specific battles we may face, including fear, addictions, and being hurt by other Christians.
This is a great primer for battle, and something I will probably continue to read over and over again.  The reading was light, and the instructions for applying these principles to daily life were basic and easy to understand.  And while the title says this is a WOMAN'S guide, I'm willing to bet men would get a lot out of this one, too.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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