Something Blue, by Dianne Christner

Something Blue (Plain City Bridesmaids, #3)
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

SERIES: "The Plain City Bridesmaids," #3.  I read it as a stand-alone novel, as each follows the story of a different young lady from the same community.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (from her website): I was raised Mennonite and work hard to bring authenticity to my Amish-Mennonite novels. I describe my writing style as Dramatic Romantic ComedyThat means I can be a bit of a drama queen, a tad funny, and definitely a romantic at heart--married for thirty-nine years to a wonderful man. Jim and I have two married children, Mike and Rachel, and five grandchildren.  I enjoy hiking the nearby mountains and watching the wildlife that happens into our yard, reading (of course) and time spent with family, friends and getting to know my readers.

BOOK DESCRIPTIONLife is going well for Megan. She’s always wanted to marry a missionary and now she’s working with Chance, a charming and daring missionary pilot. Then Micah Zimmerman moves into her parent’s home as a pastoral candidate for their Conservative Mennonite church—and he doesn’t look anything like the gawky young man who had a crush on her in college. As Megan struggles with her own personal identity and faith, she begins to see the true difference between Chance and Micah. Will her insight come too late, or is there still time to find the hero of her dreams?

PARENTAL RATING:  PG. Something Blue will be on my teen girls' bookshelf not only for its clean view of dating and romance, but also because it deals with making sound choices about a lifelong mate.

A slight variation from Amish romance, this Mennonite romantic fiction has the same strands. A young adult questions her faith. An outsider tempts her to stray from her conservative roots. Her community puts pressure on her and doesn't understand all of her decisions.

What made this story stand out is that I really didn't know which way she'd go, right up till the end. Sure, there were some clues, but the choice between the preacher and the missionary pilot wasn't as cut and dry as it seemed. I have to admit that I'm disappointed she chose as she did. I guess to tell you why would ruin the whole story, but I'll at least tell you that I was hoping the author would step out of the expected ending.

Overall, it was an easy read that I finished in two nights, one that touched on some important spiritual truths but left lots of room for interpretation. This is a great vacation book or rainy day read.

Purchase it on Amazon

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