My rating: 5 of 5 stars
BOOK DESCRIPTION: As the long-awaited invasion of human forces looms, Jason, Koren, and Elyssa struggle to alert the soldiers to an unforeseen menace on the planet of Starlight-a deadly illness has been released, one that already has Koren in its grip. Starlighter Cassabrie harbors a secret she believes can counter the devastation being unleashed by dragon king Taushin's latest maneuverings, but she can disclose little of her risky plan. As Cassabrie fights to save her people, the dragon Magnar works to move the Starlight prophecy in his favor. His actions could release an ancient race of dragon-like beings, making the plight of humans even more perilous. Wishing only to free the slaves and to bring peace, a few young warriors are poised to face three armies as they battle for control of two worlds. Can love, faith, and courage be enough? Will Cassabrie be the human's last hope?
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bryan Davis is the author of the bestselling fantasy series Echoes from the Edge, Dragons in Our Midst, and Oracles of Fire. He lives in Western Tennessee with his wife, Susie, and their seven children. You can connect with him here, and read my reviews of other books he's written here.
SERIES: "Dragons of Starlight", book 4. I reviewed the third book, Diviner, here.
PARENTAL RATING: PG-13. These dragons are enslaving human adults and children, and often their treatment is quite cruel. The descriptions aren't particularly violent, but you may want to read through this one a bit if your child is particularly sensitive.
MY THOUGHTS: This is a complicated series, following various humans and dragons through two different worlds, some of them changing their loyalties as the story unfolds. It's definitely not a book you can pick up and understand without having read the three that come before it, and even then it can get a little confusing. I'd recommend not waiting too long between each book.
There are spiritual truths sprinkled throughout this fantasy story about heroes and villains, hope and despair, sacrifice and risk. In chapter 5, a wise dragon speaks about idolatry:
For some, their idol is a grudge that is nursed and prepared for the day of wrath. For others it is an end to suffering, or a beloved person, or perhaps the idea of love itself Any idol is able to turn a mind from the Creator, so they must all be purged by choice or smashed through trials, and only then will darkness turn to light.In chapter 9, a father comforts his daughter with these words when she questioned why the innocent sometimes suffer:
...although you suffered as an innocent babe, you were still in heaven's embrace. no one is born alienated from the Creator. Alienation results from a choice to serve evil. Although we both wept and wailed in the throes of disease, this truth brought comfort: Suffering is measured by days or weeks or months, but heaven lasts for an eternity.I found myself highlighting great quotes throughout the book, as the characters struggled to free the slaves, cure disease, live up to their individual callings, determine who could be trusted, and ultimately, reconcile their worlds with the Creator who designed them. This is a complicated series with a lot happening on different levels, and this last book will keep you on your toes as you follow the exciting adventures.
Buy the book in paperback or ebook format here.
**I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review, courtesy of
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